⭐️ Introduction to Artela

🤩 Start here to learn more about Artela is about

What is Artela

Artela is an extensible blockchain network enabling developers to build feature-rich dApps.

Artela is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of dApp functionality beyond smart contracts, unlocking the full potential of Web3 innovations.


Artela Blockchain

Artela Blockchain is a layer 1 network that empowers developers to add user-defined native extensions and build feature-rich dApps.

Aspect Programming

Aspect Programming is a universal programming framework that supports the dynamic creation of native extension modules for blockchain at runtime.

💡💡💡 Recommended reading! This guide will help you learn Aspect programming quickly!!

💯 Now you have developed an understanding of Artela, it is time to get down to BUIDL.

💡 Sample Contract Codebase

Here is the sample contract codebase you could build upon for your ETHDenver BUILDathon track: ‘Learn sample smart contract and build on-chain extension to enhance it’.
