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First, task points consist of two types: $Crystal and $Stone, which are earned through different tasks.

1. Interact with Ai Vinci to Earn $Crystal Task Points

Start with the Ai Vinci interaction module. Connect your wallet and chat with Ai Vinci. Complete the tasks within the conversation to earn $Crystal. Ai Vinci offers different tasks daily, so make sure to complete them every day. In the top right corner of the chatbox, you can see how much $Crystal you can still earn today and in the next 7 days.

2. Complete Enlightenment Quests to Earn $Stone Task Points

Task 1: Meet Artela Tesenet - Reward: 90 $Stone

This task is divided into three subtasks:

Task 2: EVM++ DeFi - Reward: 90 $Stone

This task includes ArtexSwap and GoPlus projects:


- **Subtask 2:** Answer security-related questions on ArtexSwap. There are only two questions; retry if you get them wrong.